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Logo for Sounds of our Time

In a world where times and trends change with things going in and out of style, one concept that has remained a universal constant is music. It will never be uncool to make music or listen to music, the one form of art that every single person can relate to and appreciate in all its variations and genres. It is said that music unites in a way no other form of art can, and African music is certainly not left out.

In all its essence, African music has not stayed the same over the years. It has evolved and grown into a much greater version of what it was many years ago, to the point where the pioneers of African music would certainly be proud. Music has always been such a huge part of our African culture, it tells stories of our history and has all our stories embedded in its melodies. This makes it unique in a way that stands head over shoulders above other forms of music. 

Sounds of Our Time (SOOT) is a platform for people who are passionate about African music and want to be a part of its evolution as much as possible. SOOT is here to bring you all the little details about African Music that might get lost in conversations over time. 

This includes; the vast history of African music from the grassroots, its evolution over time and what it means for African music today, and exclusive views of African artists and their projects showcasing how these artists connect with their music and how they want the world to connect with it. 

Think of SOOT as your backpack containing the essential tools required for your deep dive into the world of African music, and your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about it. Most of the history of our African music has been told through personal journals and experiences of Westerners. No longer will our history be told by outsiders.

We have a vision to be the hub of African music on a global scale, where we get the chance to tell our own stories about our music which has served to strengthen the fabric of so many African communities. As African music’s reach has grown in recent years, the demand for well-researched information about our art has grown, and SOOT has stepped in to fill the gap. 

By putting out the stories and inspirations behind several projects, we are here to bridge the gap between artists and their audience. This, we hope will bring an even bigger spotlight to African music and go ahead to unite communities across the globe, transcending all language and cultural barriers. 

Like one of Africa’s favorites said;

“The curious beauty of African music is that it uplifts even as it tells a sad tale. You may be poor, you may have only a ramshackle house, you may have lost  your job, but that song gives you hope”

-Nelson Mandela-

     Take a deep breath, sit back, and let SOOT take you on a beautiful journey through African music!

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