The ConnectHead: The virtual marketplace for African creatives

The ConnectHead founders

The ConnectHead is a digital platform that was launched on the 17th of July 2022 by Nigerian rapper and songwriter, A-Q. When you fully understand what it does, you’ll probably have yourself asking the same question I did, “why didn’t we have this sooner?”

One major problem creatives in Africa face is the strenuous process of finding like-minded people to work with. We all know how our rich culture and heritage are built on creativity. In addition, there is so much talent, experience, and knowledge sitting without a proper platform to be showcased. A-Q, a Nigerian rapper and songwriter saw this void and created a solution for it.

A-Q founder of The ConnectHead
Instagram @theconnecthead

This community was created to bring people together, a symbiosis that ends in a win for everyone. The ConnectHead is a platform that makes it easy for service providers and buyers to find each other. This spans from music sound engineers to songwriters to event managers and more. As long as you are an artist or a music service provider in the entertainment industry, you’ll find The ConnectHead very interesting and useful.

Think of it as a marketplace. There’s buying, there’s selling, there are advertisements, there’s bidding. Like a freelance market,  but for the African music industry.

How does TheConnectHead work?

Easy. The ConnectHead allows you to either register as a seller or a buyer. That is, if you’re a seller, you’re putting up your services for any buyer who wants to work with you. And if you’re a buyer, you’re looking for services to patronize. Once you verify your identity using a valid means of identification, you can receive the payments for your services or pay for services just like that. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

In my opinion, the monetary aspect of the platform is just a side note. Think of the actual potential that could be found using this platform. Apart from bringing the African entertainment industry together, the amount of underground talent that could be unearthed using this platform is innumerable.

Logo for The ConnectHead
Instagram @theconnecthead

The ConnectHead platform has about 17 categories of gigs to buy or sell. These could be influencers, studio sessions, entertainment lawyers, or artiste managers…. Also, if there is no category that best suits what you’re selling or what you’re looking for, there is a way around that too.

If you’re a seller, you upload a description of the service you want to sell, along with images, videos, or anything to show your artistry. There is also an allowance to put up the price at which you want your service to go, with an estimated due date.

At the moment, the platform is available to just Nigerians. However, several African countries will also have access to it soon. 

How much will you pay for TheConnectHead?

Image of coins

Not a dime. It’s a free platform that allows you to sign up and register without paying anything. Payments only come in when you either want to pay for a music service, or you want to receive payment for a music service you have provided.

While it’s still a very new platform, the potential for massive growth is clear. If you play any role in the African entertainment industry, this is a sign. A sign that your services can have a much wider reach than you ever imagined.

All you have to do is sign up to get Connected by ConnectHead.

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